Friday, May 2, 2008

Bye Bye Whittney and Sierra (and maybe Lexi T!

Three of my other best friends are either moving or already moved! :( I bawled my eyes out yesterday at school when Whittney moved! So did Makayla and a bunch of other people! Makayla and I were huddled around Whittney just BAWLING our eyes out! Whittney was also BAWLING her eyes out too! I WILL MISS YOU GUYS!!!! I LUV U SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

MUCH!!! OH NO I don't have a picture of Whittney! Well I LUV her anyways!!!


Kally said...

Sorry Kenna your friends are moving, make sure to keep in touch with them, have them check out you blog. Its always sad when friends move, Sorry. You keep up on your school work also so you don't get grounded. :)

Unknown said...

MAN YOUR FRIENDS KEEP MOVING. Keep up on your School work I LOVERS YOU Love Maddie

Sondra said...

Hi Kenna baby! I'm sorry that your friends are going! We live in a tiny little town with not many people, so we're always very sad when people that we like move.

I agree with Joel. Keep in touch with them. Love you sweety!

val said...

What is up with everyone moving? I think you better join the party and get on out of there...and come here of course! But I am sad for you to have your friends gone...sorry about it! And keep on bloggin, it keeps me in contact with all of you! love ya!

Karmen said...

So are you, like, scaring your friends away or something?! Maybe YOU should be the next one to Burley! That would be awesome!

Brooklyn said...

I'm going to miss them if they move!!! :(

MikeG Family said...

Wow - all your friends are moving the heck out of Bear Lake...maybe you guys should, too...preferably close to US!! :)